The grinding of the crankshaft is one of the most complicated operations since the crankshaft is composed not only of the main collars aligned on the axis, but also of the connecting rod collars which are offset to house the crankshaft and respective bearings. connecting rod or bushings. Therefore, using a grinding machine for the crankshafts, it is necessary to align the center of rotation with the connecting rod collars and grind the shaft up to the next measurement set by the manufacturer, the so-called reduction of the connecting rod or bench measurement, as material is removed for to be able to install connecting rod bearings with a suitable diameter to ensure the right interference between bearing and collar. This interference of a few tens of thousandths will be lubricated by the engine oil and the contact surface guarantees the rotation of the shaft without friction.
It is for this reason that our grinders are experts in grinding the surface of the connecting rod collar or bench in a perfect way while maintaining the right size and roughness, which will allow the shaft to rotate at speeds of thousands of revolutions per minute.
The engine adjustment is carried out if necessary both on the cylinder bank and on the connecting rods, always replacing the bushings with new ones and with bench shims to keep the shaft aligned both axially and longitudinally with the right tolerances.